Past Events

Scrum Con is a tabletop gaming convention hosted by the Second Saturday Scrum Club in Silver Spring Maryland, just outside of Washington D.C.

With its relaxed atmosphere and wide range of genres, Scrum Con attracts gamers who enjoy its unique mix of RPGs and miniature wargames. Scrum Con features classic fantasy, pulp, horror and sci-fi games hosted by some of the hobby's founding members as well as new designers showcasing their latest efforts.

"It was a great group of people. Mature gamers having fun, and no 'Game Store Egos' or nonsense to deal with. So refreshing."

Scrum Con 2023

With in-person gaming a possibility again, Scrum Con returned to VeteransPlaza with a full day of fun and adventure! Welcoming gamers from as far away as New Mexico who made the trek for one of the best con experiences in the US, hundreds of attendees turned out for a another incredible convention.

Scrum Con 2021

Despite the pandemic forcing a global lockdown in 2021, SCRUM CON soldiered on. Switching to an online only format, the virtual nature of SCRUM CON 2021 allowed participants to join us from across the world. Hosting seminars and games featuring luminaries like gaming historian Jon Petersen, Ed Stark (Dungeons and Dragons 3E), Howard Whitehouse (Pulp Action Library), and Dirk the Dice of the Grognard Files, the 2021 convention also saw game masters run games via teleconferencing and virtual environments.

Scrum Con 2020

Buoyed by enthusiasm from the first Scrum Con, the convention for 2020 was moved to the Silver Spring Convention Center, a modern community center with plenty of room for this and future conventions. With attendance more than doubling the previous Scrum Con, the one day convention was a clear success. With the COVID pandemic reaching America's shores just a few weeks later, it certainly felt like the last bright spot in an otherwise dreadful year.

Scrum Con 2019

The Scrum Club's inaugural convention was hosted in a community meeting hall in Silver Spring, MD. With expectations of attracting a dozen non-club gamers, the convention boasted over a hundred attendees arriving for a full day of gaming. Despite the tight quarters and raucous air, the convention was a hit.

The Second Saturday Scrum Club lost a dear member within the last few months. Though gone, they'll not be forgotten.